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Determine your return on investment with Unify

Consolidate your GTM stack to save time and money.

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ROI Calculator

Estimate the potential ROI of your sales and marketing efforts by inputting key metrics.
Number of Reps
Question icon
on your team
Number of Prospects
Question icon
per rep per week
Time per Prospect
Question icon
Number of Personalized Emails
Question icon
per rep per week
Time Writing per Personalized Email/LinkedIn Message
Question icon
Time Inputting/Updating CRM Data
Question icon
per rep per week
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Your Inputs
Number of Reps
Number of Prospects
Time per Prospect
Number of Personalized Emails
Time Writing per Personalized Email/LinkedIn Message
Time Inputting/Updating CRM Data
Your Savings
Coin iconQuestion icon
monthly ROI on Unify
Clock iconQuestion icon
saved per week

Close 25% more customers with half the effort

Unlock Unify to keep saving time while driving pipeline with automated prospecting and AI-powered personalization .
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Set up Unify in minutes

Why calculating the ROI of switching to Unify is important.

Justify the Investment

By quantifying the time and cost savings from Unify, you can build a compelling business case to secure buy-in and budget for the platform.

Showcase Workflow Improvements

The ROI calculation allows you to demonstrate how Unify streamlines your team's sales processes, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Predict Future Growth

Analyzing the ROI helps you project the long-term impact Unify will have on your sales pipeline, revenue, and overall business performance.

How Unify customers get ROI.

find high intent buyers gif

Find High Intent Buyers

Harness the power of advanced intent data from multiple sources to pinpoint buyer intent and automatically prospect leads at those companies

prospect on autopilot gif

Prospect on Autopilot

Unify offers waterfall contact data to enrich your leads with multiple data vendors. Continuously expand your prospect list and keep your pipeline filled with potential leads, all on autopilot

managed deliverability gif

Personalized Outbound

Unify manages emails sending and deliverability directly from our platform, including domains, mailbox warmup, bounce checks, and more

Green check
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